The CPT Autopilot is a reliable, heavy duty, wheel pilot suitable for a wide range of sail and power boats.

CPT Autopilot installation photos
Our cockpit was flooded at one point, but when we next needed the CPT, it worked as if nothing had happened. Interestingly, the CPT was the quietest unit, even quieter than the windvane, that has a quiet kind of clang to it. At the moment we are refitting and preparing for a circumnavigation. The CPT is coming with us…Our unit, though old is extremely reliable, strong and very quiet.
—40' Center Cockpit Cutter Rig, 1998
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Still steering by hand? Get the CPT!

The rugged CPT is a cost effective crew member that steers your vessel so that you can take your hands off the wheel, whether motoring or sailing. This cockpit wheel pilot is easy to install and operate.

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