Recommended Service
Here is a list of recommended maintenance items and product improvements made through the years. Please contact us if you would like us to update your autopilot or to check if any updates are available for your specific pilot. The serial number label can be found on the back or bottom of the autopilot motor box.
Pushbutton and toggle switch seals
Autopilots affected: Autopilots built from 2013 to present. Serial numbers from 100350 and up.
The watertight seals on the pushbutton and toggle switch are durable and should provide trouble-free operation for many years. However the seals may become damaged by abrasion, fingernails or other sharp objects. We recommend periodically inspecting the seals for damage. Look for holes, cuts, or the seal pulling away from the switch. If the seal has been damaged, we recommend replacing all of the seals. If the seal has been damaged or missing for some time or there is evidence of corrosion, we recommend replacing the switch as well.
Please contact us to order replacement seals. They can usually be installed by the user. The autopilot control box should be returned to the manufacturer for switch replacement.
Compass Magnetic Inclination/Magnetic Reference
Autopilots affected: Autopilots built from 2013 to 2015. Serial numbers from 100350 to 100498.
This update allows the user to set the autopilot compass to work with the local magnetic inclination (dip angle).
The autopilot is manufactured with the compass set for the magnetic field inclination in North America. If you are located significantly farther north or south, the magnetic reference should be set again on location. Magnetic field inclination differences will usually only start to become noticable if you are located below 15-degrees North or above 55-degrees North.
World Magnetic Field Inclination Map
The autopilot must be returned to the manufacturer for this update, after which the procedure can be performed by the user when necessary. Please contact us to determine if your autopilot has this feature or requires it.
We recommend checking with us to ensure your autopilot has this update before embarking on a significant voyage.
Compass Magnetic Calibration
Autopilots affected: Autopilots built from 2013 to 2018. Serial numbers from 100350 to 100818.
This update allows the user to calibrate the autopilot compass sensors.
The magnetic sensors in the autopilot compass are calibrated in California to account for variations in the individual sensors. In most cases this calibration is sufficient, however in some geographic locations the magnetic field is significantly weaker (than in California) and the compass should be recalibrated on location. Recalibration may also be necessary if the autopilot compass is exposed to a strong or sustained magnetic field. Performing the magnetic calibration procedure will recalibrate the autopilot compass to the local magnetic field strength and also account for any changes in the sensors that have occured since the time of manufacture.
World Magnetic Field Strength Map
The autopilot must be returned to the manufacturer for this update, after which the calibration procedure can be performed by the user when necessary. Please contact us to determine if your autopilot has the calibration feature or requires it.
We recommend checking with us to ensure your autopilot has this update before embarking on a significant voyage.
Improved Motor Mounting Bracket
Autopilots affected: Autopilots built before 2018. Serial numbers 100745 and below.
An improved motor mounting bracket is available. The new bracket is more secure than older versions and easier to adjust.